The Christian has a new identity

In the Bible we are reminded that once we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, we are a new creation, a new person.  2 Cor.5:17  The Christian is a person whose identity is found in Jesus.  We find many metaphors or illustrations in the Bible to help us understand who we are in Jesus.  When a person places his/her faith in Jesus, that person transitions from death to life, from darkness into light; from the old self, to a new self created in Christ Jesus.  We are God’s new creation to live for him in this world.  Paul said that we are ambassadors for Christ.  2 Cor.5:20  In other words, now we are to represent Christ in this world as his agents of reconciliation.  This is who are because of Jesus.

Jesus had said that only those with a new birth, a new identity, enter the kingdom of heaven.  He told Nicodemus that one must be born again, of water and the Spirit. John 3:5  We are made children of God by faith in Jesus John 1:12/ Gal.3:26  As God’s children, we must live according to the standard he has given us.  We are known as children of light in this world.  Jesus tells his followers to let their light shine before others so that they can see your good works and glorify your heavenly Father.  Matt.5:16

If you consider yourselves followers of Christ, you must understand that you are not your own.  You cannot follow Jesus whichever way you choose.  You must follow him according to what he expects of his people.  We belong to God and our new identity in Christ must reflect him, as we live in this world.  As the heavens declare the glory of God (Ps.19:1), how are you declaring him in our culture today?


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