

Mark 4:35-41

By: Ysrael De la Cruz

Humanity was created to live fearlessly in the world; but something happened that caused humans to live fearful rather than fearless.  God is not the author of fear.  Fear is the result of our rebellion against God.  When God created the universe, everything was good, there was harmony, peace among the creatures.  There was harmony and peace among humans.  When mankind disobeyed God (sinned) by going against his word; then we encountered this emotion we called fear.  This is how humanity responded when God came looking for them.

“I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked.”  Gen.3:10

Fear (definition): an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or threat.

Webster’s: an unpleasant often strong emotion cause by anticipation or awareness of danger.

People don’t like going to the dentist because they are already anticipating the pain.  There are so many things in his world that would create fear in us and then would paralyze us.  What if I told you that God wants his people to live fearless lives in this world!

The sea (lake) of Galilee.  Israel’s largest fresh-water lake. (64 square miles, nearly the size of Washington, D.C) Jesus’ ministry was based.  The disciples of Jesus who were fishermen fished on this lake.  On day Jesus taught the people from on the fishermen’s boats, while the crowd stayed on the shore.  This is early in Jesus’ ministry and many of the people saw him as a great teacher, a rabbi.

That day when evening came, Jesus told his disciples to go to the other side of the lake.  Mark tells us that it was evening already. (v.35)

Mark 4:35-41

Jesus taught from the boat (Mark 4:1); 35

Jesus invited them to go over to the other side, to head east.  So, they took him along, just as he was in the boat.  There were also other boats with him.

The journey took an unexpected turn. (v.37)

Wikipedia says that due to the lake’s low-lying position on the rift valley, surrounded by hills, the lake suddenly would get violent storms.  As the disciples are going to the other side during the evening, a storm hit them. “A furious squall came up and the waves broke over the boat so that it was nearly swamped.

Sometimes things happen when you least expect them.

Imagine the disciples doing everything in their power to survive the storm.  They are professional fishermen, but this is evening and a very strong storm.

Where is Jesus?  Jesus was sleeping on a cushion in the stern of the boat. (v.38)

The disciple woke him and said “Teacher don’t you care if we drown?”

Have you ever felt that God is not listening to you? Like he is not concerned for what you’ve going through.  God don’t you care!  Maybe you have asked yourself God where are you when I need you the most.


Jesus got up and rebuked the wind and said to the waves “hush, be still.” (v.39)

Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

Whatever you are going through doesn’t surprise God. He knows every word someone says to you, the trials or storm you are facing.  Nothing takes God by surprise.

Then Jesus asked a piercing question:  Why are you so afraid?  How is it that you have no faith? (v.40)


The disciples felt threatened by the storms; they felt they could have lost their lives.  Jesus is addressing the fact that with every situation we are faced with, we have two choices: fear or faith.

Jesus also makes it clear that when you are fearful, you are not trusting God (you have no faith in him) and when you trust him, then there is no fear.

Fear and faith don’t mix; is either one or the other.  Just like head or tail (salt or sugar)

The word afraid here is the word for coward, fearful.  Why are you acting like cowards?

Why are you so afraid, you still have no faith?  Jesus’ point is that when you have faith, you won’t be afraid, even during the storm.  Can you hear Jesus challenging you now?  Do you hear him say, you still don’t trust me or believe in me?


Jesus calmed the storm for the disciples, but they were still terrified for what they just saw. (v,41)

They were terrified (frighten, dread) and asked each other “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

This question tells you why they were afraid during the storm, and why they were terrified with what they witnessed.

They took with them Jesus the teacher, the rabbi.  This was what they knew about Jesus.  They did not know that Jesus was more than a teacher.

They are terrified because they knew that according to their beliefs and Jewish education, only God has the power to control nature, wind, waves.  No wonder they asked, who is this even the wind and waves obey him?


They just learned that their teacher has divine power.  They got to learn something about Jesus that they did not know before.  He is Lord of the storm and He is Lord of nature.

God wants his people to live fearless life and the only way we can accomplish this is by trusting Jesus.  Trust in the one who is bigger than any problem or storm you will face.  Trust in the one who brings peace and harmony in the midst of chaos.

The more you know Jesus, the more you will trust him and therefore, the less fears you will have.

The storms will come when you least expect them, and you will have two choices: you will be afraid of it or you will face it with faith.

Whatever it is you are facing right now.  The Creator of the universe is saying to you.  Why are you so afraid?  You still have no faith in me?

Jesus.  We are to be fearless because Jesus is faithful.





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