Church Leadership-Elders
Growth is a wonderful thing but with it comes great challenges. We discussed this last week how the church faced challenges in the first century, but these challenges were great opportunities for them to continue growing in their faith. New ministry were being developed and ministry leaders put in place to serve in those ministries. In most churches today, you hear the word elders when referring to the leadership of the church. A lot of people may not have a clear understanding of who these people are.
The church began at the preaching of the apostles and as time progressed you will also hear the word elders for those in the leadership of the church.
Challenges In Ministry
A new year has begun and with it, new challengers. You will be challenged in many areas. Your faith and convictions will continue to be challenged. This is a year in which you will have to make a decision regarding who you would like to see as president of this nation. You will face challenges as individuals and we will face challenges as a church. It doesn’t matter the ministry or service you may be involved in, you will face big challenges. If you start working for God and expect it to be a walk in the park, you will be surprised. Every service or ministry has its challenges but the Bible gives us guidance in how we can overcome such challenges.
How Bad Do You Really Want It
With the beginning of the New Year people tend to start making their resolutions; pledges or plans they would like to achieve. Things that they have been thinking about but have never been able to accomplish. People talk about quitting smoking, losing weight, eating healthier, taking on a new hobby, working on their relationship, marriage, etc. How about working or growing in your relationship with Christ.
A World Rocking News
On September 11 2001 most of us got up and went about our business, school, jobs, etc. Our president had gone to a school to help promote reading when his meeting with the students got interrupted by a secret service agent who leaned over his shoulders and whispered “A plane just hit the world trade center.” That news rocked the world of many people. Our country hasn’t been the same ever since. Some information, messages or news tend to carry huge implications to our lives. They can really affect our lives. The visit to the Dr. as you wait the test results to find out you have a terminal disease. A shooting at the school where your kids attends. Sudden death of a love one in a car accident. These things are shocking, disturbing to your ears.
God Has Come Near
There are so many means of communications; people use all kinds of devices to communicate with others, radio, phone, letters, text, face to face communication. Communication is a very important thing; a relationship would not thrive if there is not good communication. Today you can communicate via skype, video chat with someone in a different continent. But nothing replaces face to face communication, to actually see the person in front of you.