Sermons by Ysrael De La Cruz (Page 5)

Stop Being Incredulous!

“Stop being incredulous” John 20:24-31 By: Ysrael De la Cruz Last week I talked about how the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the foundation of the Christian faith. It is the reason Christianity exists today. The disciples were not transformed because the tomb was empty; they were transformed because they saw Jesus alive.…

Help me overcome unbelief

Help me overcome unbelief! Mark 9:14-29 By: Ysrael De la Cruz Anyone can claim to have faith when things go well; but it is difficult to display faith when things get out of control, when we experience trials and suffering. Your faith is evident during hard times, in the stormy moments of life, that is…

Tear down your idols

Tear down your idols 2 Kings 18:1-6 By: Ysrael De la Cruz Everyone worships something; if I take the definition of worship as to revere, respect or stand in awe of someone or something. To bow down in adoration to something. Then everyone worships. You and I revere either God or something else. The God…

Loving like Jesus

Loving like Jesus John 13:31-35 By Ysrael De la Cruz As followers of Jesus God has an expectation for us; it is his will that we be molded to the image of his Son (Jesus). Romans 8:29 God predestined us to be conformed to the image of his Son. What this means is that people…