Sermons by Ysrael De La Cruz (Page 6)

God Came Near!

God came near! Gen.3:8-10// John 1:14 By Ysrael De la Cruz There are so many means of communications; people use all kinds of devices to communicate with others, radio, phone, letters, text, facetime, etc. face to face communication. Nothing replaces face to face communication. Communication is a very important thing; a relationship would not thrive…

The God who Speaks

The GOD who speaks! Hebrews 1:1-4 By Ysrael De la Cruz To communicate is the act or process of using words (verbal), sounds, signs or behavior (non-verbal) to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. to someone else. Sometimes, there is miscommunication (failure to communicate clearly); at times there is…

God’s Faithfulness!

God’s faithfulness Joshua 24:14-15 By Ysrael De la Cruz Every church has a history; a history that reveals the successes and failures. The joys and sorrows. This church this year celebrates its 51st anniversary of its existence. A lot can happen in 51 years. People come and go, splits, change in leadership and so forth.…

God’s kingdom Agenda

God’s kingdom agenda Acts 1:6-8 By: Ysrael De la Cruz If you had the chance to ask Jesus one question, what would it be? During his earthly ministry he was asked so many different questions by secular people and by his own disciples. Can you name one of the questions Jesus was asked during his…

Challenges In Serving God!

Challenges in serving God. Acts 6:1-7 By: Ysrael De la Cruz The church of Jesus Christ has faced huge challenges throughout it existence and will continue to face challenges until Jesus comes back again. Serving God is not without challenges and difficulties. Jesus said we will have trouble (tribulations) in this world. But he also…