Worshiping God during uncertain times Genesis 29:31-35 By: Ysrael De la Cruz You may be in situations where you wonder how in the world God is going to get out of it. How could God make something productive or beautiful come out of this mess? Some of us have had situations very ugly, circumstances where…
Choose wisely! Genesis 2:8-9, 15-17 //3:1-6 By: Ysrael De la Cruz We make choices every day, in fact life is about the choices you make. We choose where to go shopping, what to wear, eat, what sport to follow, who to follow on social media, etc. We are constantly making choices. Sometimes, our choices would…
God came near! Gen.3:8-10// John 1:14 By Ysrael De la Cruz There are so many means of communications; people use all kinds of devices to communicate with others, radio, phone, letters, text, facetime, etc. face to face communication. Nothing replaces face to face communication. Communication is a very important thing; a relationship would not thrive…
Freedom of choice Genesis 2:15-17 By Ysrael De la Cruz You and I made tons of choices in each day. You are always making decisions, choosing what to do and not to do or what to leave for later. You go to a restaurant to eat, then you look at a menu from which you…
God’s presence Genesis 39:1-10 By: Ysrael De la Cruz When you go to your work place you have an ID that identifies you or sets you apart in your workplace. The ID’s tell people who you are or whom you represent. Last week I talked about how God’s presence was what set apart his…
God’s presence in our midst Exodus 33:12-17 By:Ysrael De la Cruz Ever since God created the world his presence has been evident in his creation. (The Spirit of God hovered over) moved over the surface of the waters. (Gn:1:2) God created the universe and he was incredibly involved in his creation. God’s presence was evident…
Good New amid chaos Genesis 3:15 By Ysrael De la Cruz Today is considered the 2nd Sunday of advent, a Sunday of preparation for the arrival of Christmas. Once Thanksgiving is over, many people start their preparation for Christmas; going to the stores you are reminded that Christmas is coming. Taking a walk in…
There are so many means of communications; people use all kinds of devices to communicate with others, radio, phone, letters, text, face to face communication. Communication is a very important thing; a relationship would not thrive if there is not good communication. Today you can communicate via skype, video chat with someone in a different continent. But nothing replaces face to face communication, to actually see the person in front of you.