Help me overcome unbelief
Help me overcome unbelief! Mark 9:14-29 By: Ysrael De la Cruz Anyone can claim to have faith when things go well; but it is difficult to display faith when things get out of control, when we experience trials and suffering. Your faith is evident during hard times, in the stormy moments of life, that is…
Tear down your idols
Tear down your idols 2 Kings 18:1-6 By: Ysrael De la Cruz Everyone worships something; if I take the definition of worship as to revere, respect or stand in awe of someone or something. To bow down in adoration to something. Then everyone worships. You and I revere either God or something else. The God…
I Never Knew you!
I never knew you Matt.7:21-23 By: Ysrael De la Cruz You can be very religious and not know what it means to have a relationship with God. You could be attending church your whole life and still not know God. Not because you go to a church, where they talk about Jesus makes you into…
God’s love: Unconditional or conditional?
God’s love: unconditional or conditional? John 3:16 By: Ysrael De la Cruz One of the most discussed topics in the Bible is the love of God, but I believe it’s one of the most misunderstood topics when left to our own explanation. To understand God’s love, its nature, we must go to the Scriptures to…
Loving like Jesus
Loving like Jesus John 13:31-35 By Ysrael De la Cruz As followers of Jesus God has an expectation for us; it is his will that we be molded to the image of his Son (Jesus). Romans 8:29 God predestined us to be conformed to the image of his Son. What this means is that people…
Don’t Be Deceived-part2
Don’t be deceived part2 Rev.13:11-18 By: Ysrael De la Cruz Last week, I started a series called “Don’t be deceived” as a response to the confusion created by many religious people every time there is a global event. These are people trying to fit events, war, economic crisis, pandemic, vaccines, etc. into the Bible to…
Don’t be deceived!
Don’t be deceived Rev.13:1-10 By Ysrael De la Cruz Throughout history people have attempted to identify who the antichrist or “beast” is. We have heard of several possible candidates which people thought to be the antichrist spoken of in the book of Revelation. Today in our world, there are many religious people connecting events (what…
What’s your response?
What is your Response? Matt.2:1-12 By: Ysrael De la Cruz I hope and pray you had a great Christmas celebration. Just like people respond differently to Christmas, they also respond different to the good news of Jesus. When the angel announced to Mary that she would have a baby, she responded with trust and obedience…
Good News for All!
Good news for all Luke 2:8-20 By Ysrael De la Cruz If you were to ask people what comes to mind when they think about Christmas, you would hear things like “A time together with family and friends; lights and decorations; generosity and good will toward others; lots of food and goodies. “Christmas is the…
Favored by God!
Favored by God! Luke 1:26-38 By Ysrael De la Cruz Some information tends to carry huge implications to our lives. Some news could change our lives drastically. The visit to the Dr, as you wait for the test results to find out you have a terminal disease. Sudden death of a loved one in a…
God Came Near!
God came near! Gen.3:8-10// John 1:14 By Ysrael De la Cruz There are so many means of communications; people use all kinds of devices to communicate with others, radio, phone, letters, text, facetime, etc. face to face communication. Nothing replaces face to face communication. Communication is a very important thing; a relationship would not thrive…
The God who Speaks
The GOD who speaks! Hebrews 1:1-4 By Ysrael De la Cruz To communicate is the act or process of using words (verbal), sounds, signs or behavior (non-verbal) to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. to someone else. Sometimes, there is miscommunication (failure to communicate clearly); at times there is…