Beware of church divisions!

Beware of church divisions
1 Corinthians 1:10-14 // 3:1-19
By Ysrael De la Cruz
We have started this year encouraging you to wear out your Bible by reading it and studying it. You will know God better and will know what he expects of his people by reading and studying his word. Most of the New Testament is made up of letters written by the apostles to churches or individuals to encourage them in their faith and to address certain issues known to that church. One of the things the apostles addressed in their writing was the need for the church to grow up. Grow up, be mature was their call.
One of the main reasons for church divisions is lack of maturity. No wonder the writers of the New Testament told people to grow up.

When the church began by the preaching of the apostles, we are told that the believers were united and had all things in common. (Acts 2:44)
Acts 4:32 The full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul.
We read about how these Christians were united in purpose from the very beginning. In chapter 6 of the book of Acts we read about the first church conflict that could have divided the church if the apostles had not handled it correctly. The gospel continued to spread, and more and more churches were being established on the foundation of the apostles, Jesus as cornerstone.

The apostle Paul planted many churches, and he would write letters to encourage, instruct and correct certain issues in the church.
Paul was informed that the church at Corinth was being divisive. Some people had created divisions in this church and Paul addressed it in the very first chapter.
1 Corinthians 1:10
Paul’s appeal for unity. (v.10)
-That all of you agree in the Lord.
-Stop being divisive but be united in mind and purpose.

There was quarreling (arguments, disagreement) among the people. What was the argument about?
Leadership preference. Some would say “I follow Paul.” Some would say they follow Apollos, some would follow Cephas and others would follow Christ.

These were leaders through whom many came to know the Lord, but they were being divisive based on leadership style or preference. Paul reminded them that Christ is not divided, and his church should not be either.

V13) Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul? The answer to these rhetorical questions is no.

There should be no division in Christ’s church. Christ’s prayer for his church is that it would be one. United.

Why causes church divisions? 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Lack of maturity on people. Notice how Paul said that they were behaving like infants in Christ. (not as spiritual people but as infants or immature in their faith).

V.2 Paul even acknowledged that these people were not even ready for solid food. They were still immature in their faith, and it was obvious in their causing division in the church. Paul called them “of the flesh” (v.1, 2, 3) worldly, carnal.

Paul said they were worldly people and not spiritual because their behavior was not a Christ’s behavior.
(v.3)You are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?

Their jealousy and disagreement were based on who some people preferred as leader.
The leaders are all servants through whom they came to believe. (5)
One may plant, another may water what is planted but God is the one who provides the growth. (v.6)
The one who plants and the one who waters are one. And God will reward each according to their labor. (v.8)
We are all fellow workers. Church leaders should be united in their efforts to help the church grow.
Christ’s church must remain united.

The reason we experience division in churches even today is lack of maturity in the faith of those who create division. They are still worldly in their thinking. Infants in their walk and understanding of Christ.
When Christians portray worldly attitudes like pride and jealousy there will always be quarreling. Churches divide themselves over preference for music, pews or chairs, ministries, programs, etc.
Christ’s prayer for his people is that they remained united in their purpose and mission. The more we all grow in Christ, the more united we will be in his purpose.


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