Saved by the blood.

Saved by the blood!
Luke 22:7-23
By Ysrael De la Cruz

In a few weeks we would get to Easter as recorded in our calendars; for the Christians is the time when we remember the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Right before Jesus was betrayed in the hands of sinners, he had a last meal with his disciples. It was in that meal that Jesus revealed to them his mission in saving the world.
Luke 22:7-22
Jesus sent two of his apostles to find a place where they could celebrate the Passover (v.7-13) The origin of the Passover goes back to the time when Israel was enslaved in Egypt. The Passover was the last meal the Jewish people had before they left Egypt. It was given before God struck Egypt with the last of ten plagues.
Exodus 12 tells us the story.
Every family would take a lamb (male lamb without blemish or defect) on the 10th day of the month. On the 14th day, they must kill the lamb and put the blood on the door posts and lintel of the house.
-They needed to eat it in haste, as if prepared to go on a journey. With their belts on and their sandals on their feet and staff in their hands (v.11)
-The blood of the lambs would be a sign on the houses. When God would see the blood, he would pass over that house stained with blood. (v.13) God would not harm the people in the houses stained with the blood. The people would literally be saved by the blood.
This is the origin of Passover; and the nation of Israel would celebrate this feast for as long as she lives. This was what Jesus celebrated with his disciples the same night he was betrayed.
Luke 22:14-23
Jesus took elements of the meal (bread and wine) to introduce what Christians remember as communion or the Lord’s supper.
He took bread and after giving thanks broke it and said. “This is my body, which is given for you.” (v.19)

(v.20) This cup is the new covenant in my blood.
The old covenant was based on the blood of lambs and bulls. But this new covenant is based on the blood of Jesus. Jesus was called the Lamb of God who takes the sins of the world. His blood covers us, saves us from the penalty of sin.
Jesus sacrificed himself so that we can have life.

We have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus; by his blood we are forgiven, we are saved from condemnation and wrath. God does not judge those who are covered by his blood. Once you place your faith in Jesus you are covered by his blood. You don’t come under wrath or condemnation. We are saved by his sacrifice. In order for you to escape judgment and the wrath of God you must place your faith in Jesus. You must believe in his work on the cross. He accomplished salvation through his death on the cross. If you believe in Jesus, you are not condemned but if you refuse to believe in him, you stand condemned already.


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