Is it God’s will?

Is it God’s will? by Ysrael De la Cruz This past presidential election has brought to my attention some concerning facts about Christianity in America. It is disconcerting to say the least, to see people who claim to be followers of Jesus to act with such little faith in God. So many people have shifted…

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True Friends!

True friends! Trials and suffering tend to truly reveal who your true friends are. Job had three friends who came to see him when they heard about the misfortune that befell him. They came to provide comfort and sympathy to him. They were appalled when they saw the severe suffering Job was experiencing. They wept…

God’s Pattern for his people

God’s pattern for his people! In Romans 12 Paul reminded the church not to be conformed or fashioned by the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewal of the mind. (Rom.12:2). God’s people are to be molded or conformed by God’s pattern and not the world’s pattern. In verses 9-21 we…

Don’t be Deceived!

Don’t be deceived! By: Ysrael De la Cruz At the beginning of the pandemic, I was able to witness many so called “prophets” come out to predict what the Lord was telling American through the worldwide epidemic of Covid 19. Some even got so bold as to cursing the virus and sending it to hell.…

Arleen Waters’ Miracle Story

“My Miracle” by Arleen McNamara Brahn Walters March 2021 I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains. – Anne Frank Sitting here with pen in hand, able to put words and thoughts on paper, is a miracle all by itself, as Parkinson’s Disease has made me unable to write…

Disappointments in Ministry

Disappointments in ministry By: Ysrael De la Cruz I think about the list of names at the end of 2 Timothy 4 verses 9-22 and the stories attached to each one of them. These people all crossed path with the apostle Paul; some were his traveling companions in his endeavors to plant churches; some reminded…