Building up Christ’s church

Building up the Christ’s church
By: Ysrael De la Cruz
Every house or building begins with a foundation; they are as strong as their foundation.
The Bible tells us that Jesus promised to build his church and that nothing would overcome it. Matt.16:18. The church belongs to Jesus because he is his architect, engineer, designer. It was his idea to build it. Have you ever wondered how Jesus began to build his church? What did he do to build it? Paul tells us on Ephesians 2:19-20 that God’s house was built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.
The church started with the preaching of the apostles in the first century. The preaching and teaching of the apostles and prophets was the foundation Christ used to build his house. Their preaching about the resurrected Christ was the foundation upon which the church was built. Jesus had told his apostles that they would be empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out his mission. Jesus built his church by empowering his people to accomplish his task.

Eph.4:11-14 Paul reminds us again how Christ built the church and for what purpose. Christ gave gifts to people to accomplish his mission in building up his church. (v.11) It was Christ who gave the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to prepare God’s people for work of ministry, so that the body of Christ (the church) may be built up.

Christ gave these to the church.
Apostles (Those sent on a mission)
prophets (preachers, God’s communicators)
evangelists (the sharers of good news, ability to lead others to Jesus)
Shepherds (pastors, elders): those who guard, care and protect the flock
teachers: those who give instruction from God’s word.

-These are given to equip the church, (saints) for the work of service (ministry) for the building up of the body of Christ.
Christ’s church is being built as everyone is prepared and empowered to serve or minister: the word equip in this context has the idea of bringing someone to a condition of fitness. This is what a trainer or coach does, they don’t do the work for you, they show you how to do it and empower you to do it. The church is not being built up if the people don’t use their gifts in serving God. The church can’t be built up if its members do not see themselves as ministers, servants.

How did Jesus train his apostles?
Jesus trained them by giving them instruction; modeling it for them; empowering them to do what he’d trained them to do. He showed them how and then released them to multiply themselves in the world.

This training and equipping of the church (saints) is vital. The result of this equipping the church is unity and Christian maturity.
Until we all attain to the unity in the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, (v.13)
-Until we reach maturity (to become more like Jesus): Attaining to the fullness of Christ (measuring up to the standard of Christ)

Why is it important that we reach maturity?
Then (So that)…………We won’t be infants (immature) in the faith (v.14)
So we won’t be swayed and deceived by false teaching (we won’t be unstable Christians)
A sign of immaturity is seen on those who are easily swayed by any teaching. Those who are easily deceived.
Instability in their faith and walk with the Lord due to lack of maturity.

Christ gave church leaders to build up the church by equipping people all the way to maturity.
Instead…………. We will speak the truth in love and continue to grow in Christ (meaning to continue to be attached to him)
-We will continue to build his church by doing our part within the body. The body is healthy when all its parts are working together. Jesus is building his church today through you and me as we all do our part. A church that remains attached to Jesus will continue to grow in love, service and knowledge.


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