Stop Eating Spiritual Junk Food

Junk food is defined as food that has low nutritional value; it may be very appealing and enjoyable, but not nutritious.  A diet of junk food will be disastrous in someone’s life.  There are lots of Christians who are just eating “spiritual junk food” and they wonder why their faith is anemic.  In order to…

Faith or Fear

At any given situation we will respond either with faith or fear.  Jesus confronted his disciples’ fear that night as they were going to the other side of the Lake of Galilee; the story where Jesus was asleep in the boat while the disciples battled against the waves. (Mark 4:40).  The disciples woke Jesus in…

Opposing Jesus

Opposing Jesus As Christians we may not realize, or perhaps thought has ever entered our minds.  At times, instead of being kingdom people, we become obstacles (stumbling blocks) in his kingdom agenda.  Have you ever found yourself fighting against God? We know from Scripture that Satan’s job has always been to thwart God’s plan; he…

Stop Limiting God!

Stop limiting God By: Ysrael De la Cruz It amazes me how often we limit God in our daily living. You may not realize it, or care to even admit, that you have a limited perspective of God.  God is Sovereign above everything he created.  Nothing is bigger or more powerful than him.  He (Jesus)…

How would you respond?

Struggling to keep Christ at the center of our Christmas celebration? The lure of materialism and all shiny things is real.  The heart, quite literally, was behind the birth of Christ.  Emmanuel-God with us; God came near.  The Creator became the created to deal with our hearts.  We had, have, and will have a sin…

True faith is evident

Most of us claim to have faith or to believe in God.  It is easy to make such profession when things seem well in our lives.  However, it is in those difficult times that our faith will be shown; it will be evident whether we truly believe or not.  James 2:14-26 reminds us that faith…

Am I really a true follower of Jesus?

Large crowds followed Jesus everywhere he went; he was undoubtedly a very popular person during his ministry on earth.  Have you ever thought that not everyone in the crowd became a true follower of Jesus?  Sometimes people think they can follow Jesus in their own terms or whichever way they please.  Jesus defined the relationship…