Knowing Jesus thru the gospel of Mark -part4 Mark 2:23-3:6 By Ysrael De la Cruz We have been journeying through the gospel of Mark so that we get to know Jesus better. Each writer of the gospel emphasizes certain aspects of Jesus. Mark begins his writing telling us that Jesus is the Son of God.…
Knowing Jesus through the gospels Mark 2:1-12 By Ysrael De la Cruz We have been journeying through the gospel of Mark; today is our 3rd Sunday in our journey. It is imperative that we, the followers of Jesus get to know him well, so that we can make him known to others. The gospel writers,…
Knowing Jesus through the gospels. Mark 1:1, 14-20 By Ysrael De la Cruz A while back when I preached about the gospel of Jesus Christ, I mentioned the need for us Christians to truly know the content of the gospel since we live in a time in which there are so many false gospels and…
Serving Jesus Colossians 3:22-24 By Ysrael De la Cruz When it comes to service, one of the things Jesus said was he did not come to be served but to serve. The Bible tells us in Philippians 2:7 that Jesus took the form or nature of a servant; he served people out of love. His…
Overcoming distractions! Matt.16:21-23 By Ysrael De la Cruz One of my favorite scenes in the movie Rush hour is when Inspector Lee meet detective Johnson. Johnson was practicing defusing a bomb as the clock was ticking and she needed to make a decision and had only 15 seconds. She then gets distracted by Carter and…
New identity (Part 1) 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 By Ysrael De la Cruz One of the reasons we must remain connected to a church community is because we tend to forget who we are as followers of Jesus. In a Christ-centered community we are constantly reminded who we are, what we are supposed to do and…
The Resurrection changed everything! Luke 24:1-12 By Ysrael De la Cruz The cross represented the endgame for the disciples of Jesus that Friday afternoon. It killed their hopes, dreams, and expectation they had about Jesus. They believed Jesus would be the Messiah who would restore the kingdom to Israel. But now their expected Messiah was…
The coming King Zachariah 9:9-10 By Ysrael De la Cruz Last week I preached about the crucial question, who is Jesus? Jesus’ identity has puzzled people for thousands of years. When he appeared on the scene the Jewish nation had been waiting for a Messiah, (a political ruler or king) who would bring peace and…
Same foundation, new generation Judges 2:6-15 By Ysrael De la Cruz A foundation is the footing, base, or understructure of a building. It is the base upon a house or building is established. The taller the building, the deeper the foundation. A worldview is the platform upon which you stand to make sense of the…
I never knew you Matt.7:21-23 By: Ysrael De la Cruz You can be very religious and not know what it means to have a relationship with God. You could be attending church your whole life and still not know God. Not because you go to a church, where they talk about Jesus makes you into…
Loving like Jesus John 13:31-35 By Ysrael De la Cruz As followers of Jesus God has an expectation for us; it is his will that we be molded to the image of his Son (Jesus). Romans 8:29 God predestined us to be conformed to the image of his Son. What this means is that people…
Good news for all Luke 2:8-20 By Ysrael De la Cruz If you were to ask people what comes to mind when they think about Christmas, you would hear things like “A time together with family and friends; lights and decorations; generosity and good will toward others; lots of food and goodies. “Christmas is the…