Knowing the Times
They have been dating for a while; she is been looking forward to the time when he would pop the question “Would you marry me?” She longs with excitement because she is ready to journey life with him. She knows it’s time. She has been teaching since sept of last year; she knows that summer will soon be here in which she would have time to rest, go on vacation and finally relax.
Tear Down Your Idols
Everyone worships something; if I take the definition of worship as to revere, respect or stand in awe of someone or something. To bow down in adoration to something. Then everyone worships. You and I revere either God or something else. The God of the Bible, Yahweh commanded people to worship only him because only he is God. Israel struggled being devoted only to God and became very idolatrous. Idolatry is to worship a something, an object as a god. Anything has the potential of becoming an idol in our lives, if we worship or incline to it as we would God our Creator. “Idolatry is the tree from which our sins and struggles grow.” Kyle Idleman: gods at war.
Benefits for Waiting on God
True Worship
Every Sunday we gather here for worship. Churches across the country and around the world meet together to worship. Many people may attend church, but only a few worships or at least understand the true meaning of worship. Worship is one of those words we throw around in church a lot, but many times we don’t clearly understand what worship is about. How do you know when you are truly worshiping God?
Jesus’ Prayer for Unity
Tragedy tends to bring people together very quickly; we are familiar with slogans such as “united we stand” “Boston strong” It is in those moments that we realize that unless we remain united, we won’t survive. A team won’t be able to accomplish the goal if the players don’t understand unity; if they don’t understand what it means to play as one or together. etc. The night Jesus was arrested, he spent time in prayer. He prayed for his followers who would be in the world as his representatives. One of the things Jesus prayed for was unity among his disciples. Christ’s church has struggled through the centuries with this idea of unity, which Jesus prayed for. John (chapter 17) records for us Jesus’ prayer.
A Christ-Centered Community
The church was Jesus’ idea; he is her founder. Jesus said he would build it. He bought it with his own blood and promised that it will transcend time. The apostles proclaimed Jesus as Lord and Messiah and people received the message and were baptized into Christ, then they were added to the number of followers. This is how the church began in the first century. Two months after the death of Jesus, the church was established. The church is the gathering of those who profess faith in Jesus.