Sermons on Jesus (Page 3)

God Came Near!

God came near! Gen.3:8-10// John 1:14 By Ysrael De la Cruz There are so many means of communications; people use all kinds of devices to communicate with others, radio, phone, letters, text, facetime, etc. face to face communication. Nothing replaces face to face communication. Communication is a very important thing; a relationship would not thrive…

God’s kingdom Agenda

God’s kingdom agenda Acts 1:6-8 By: Ysrael De la Cruz If you had the chance to ask Jesus one question, what would it be? During his earthly ministry he was asked so many different questions by secular people and by his own disciples. Can you name one of the questions Jesus was asked during his…

A Foundational Quesiton!

A foundational question! Matt.16:13-20 By Ysrael De la Cruz Throughout centuries people have wrestled with the identity of Jesus. The question “who is Jesus?” has puzzled many great minds for millennia. Some people have viewed Jesus as a prophet, a great teacher. He was a great teacher; Scripture tells us that people were amazed at…

From Fan to Follower

From fan to follower John 3:1-5 By Ysrael De la Cruz Last week I talked about the difference between a fan of Jesus and a follower of Jesus. Jesus had lots of fans during his earthly ministry; those who were attracted to his deeds, miracles; Those who followed Jesus for the benefits, for what he…

When you Lack Faith!

When you Lack faith Matt.13:53-58 By Ysrael De la Cruz Last week I preached about how people could have the wrong idea or picture about Jesus based on what they’ve seen or heard about him. People have opinions about you based on the testimony of others, what they have said about you. People’s opinions about…